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commitVote(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time, bytes32 hash) (external)

/** Commit a vote for a price request for identifier at time.

identifier, time must correspond to a price request that's currently in the commit phase. Commits can be changed. Since transaction data is public, the salt will be revealed with the vote. While this is the system’s expected behavior, voters should never reuse salts. If someone else is able to guess the voted price and knows that a salt will be reused, then they can determine the vote pre-reveal.


  • identifier: uniquely identifies the committed vote. EG BTC/USD price pair.
  • time: unix timestamp of the price being voted on.
  • hash: keccak256 hash of the price, salt, voter address, time, current roundId, and identifier. /
batchCommit(struct VotingInterface.Commitment[] commits) (public)

Submit a batch of commits in a single transaction.

Using encryptedVote is optional. If included then commitment is stored on chain. Look at project-root/common/Constants.js for the tested maximum number of commitments that can fit in one transaction.


  • commits: array of structs that encapsulate an identifier, time, hash and optional encryptedVote. /
commitAndEmitEncryptedVote(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time, bytes32 hash, bytes encryptedVote) (public)

commits a vote and logs an event with a data blob, typically an encrypted version of the vote

An encrypted version of the vote is emitted in an event EncryptedVote to allow off-chain infrastructure to retrieve the commit. The contents of encryptedVote are never used on chain: it is purely for convenience.


  • identifier: unique price pair identifier. Eg: BTC/USD price pair.
  • time: unix timestamp of for the price request.
  • hash: keccak256 hash of the price you want to vote for and a int256 salt.
  • encryptedVote: offchain encrypted blob containing the voters amount, time and salt. /
snapshotCurrentRound(bytes signature) (external)

snapshot the current round's token balances and lock in the inflation rate and GAT.

This function can be called multiple times but each round will only every have one snapshot at the time of calling _freezeRoundVariables.


  • signature: signature required to prove caller is an EOA to prevent flash loans from being included in the snapshot. /
revealVote(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time, int256 price, int256 salt) (public)

Reveal a previously committed vote for identifier at time.

The revealed price, salt, address, time, roundId, and identifier, must hash to the latest hash that commitVote() was called with. Only the committer can reveal their vote.


  • identifier: voted on in the commit phase. EG BTC/USD price pair.
  • time: specifies the unix timestamp of the price is being voted on.
  • price: voted on during the commit phase.
  • salt: value used to hide the commitment price during the commit phase. /
batchReveal(struct VotingInterface.Reveal[] reveals) (public)

Reveal multiple votes in a single transaction. Look at project-root/common/Constants.js for the tested maximum number of reveals. that can fit in one transaction.

For more information on reveals, review the comment for revealVote.


  • reveals: array of the Reveal struct which contains an identifier, time, price and salt. /
getPendingRequests() → struct VotingAncillaryInterface.PendingRequestAncillary[] (external)

Gets the queries that are being voted on this round.

getVotePhase() → enum VotingAncillaryInterface.Phase (external)

Returns the current voting phase, as a function of the current time.

getCurrentRoundId() → uint256 (external)

Returns the current round ID, as a function of the current time.

retrieveRewards(address voterAddress, uint256 roundId, struct VotingInterface.PendingRequest[] toRetrieve) → struct FixedPoint.Unsigned (public)

Retrieves rewards owed for a set of resolved price requests.

Can only retrieve rewards if calling for a valid round and if the call is done within the timeout threshold (not expired).


  • voterAddress: voter for which rewards will be retrieved. Does not have to be the caller.
  • roundId: the round from which voting rewards will be retrieved from.
  • toRetrieve: array of PendingRequests which rewards are retrieved from.
setMigrated(address newVotingAddress) (external)

Disables this Voting contract in favor of the migrated one.

Can only be called by the contract owner.


  • newVotingAddress: the newly migrated contract address. /
setInflationRate(struct FixedPoint.Unsigned newInflationRate) (public)

Resets the inflation rate. Note: this change only applies to rounds that have not yet begun.

This method is public because calldata structs are not currently supported by solidity.


  • newInflationRate: sets the next round's inflation rate. /
setGatPercentage(struct FixedPoint.Unsigned newGatPercentage) (public)

Resets the Gat percentage. Note: this change only applies to rounds that have not yet begun.

This method is public because calldata structs are not currently supported by solidity.


  • newGatPercentage: sets the next round's Gat percentage. /
setRewardsExpirationTimeout(uint256 NewRewardsExpirationTimeout) (public)

Resets the rewards expiration timeout.

This change only applies to rounds that have not yet begun.


  • NewRewardsExpirationTimeout: how long a caller can wait before choosing to withdraw their rewards. /