Functionsconstructor(address bridgeAddress, bytes32[] initialResourceIDs, address[] initialContractAddresses, bytes4[] initialDepositFunctionSignatures, bytes4[] initialExecuteFunctionSignatures) (public)
Parameters:bridgeAddress: Contract address of previously deployed Bridge. @param initialResourceIDs Resource IDs used to identify a specific contract address. These are the Resource IDs this contract will initially support. @param initialContractAddresses These are the addresses the {initialResourceIDs} will point to, and are the contracts that will be called to perform deposit and execution calls. @param initialDepositFunctionSignatures These are the function signatures {initialContractAddresses} will point to, and are the function that will be called when executing {deposit} @param initialExecuteFunctionSignatures These are the function signatures {initialContractAddresses} will point to, and are the function that will be called when executing {executeProposal}
@dev {initialResourceIDs}, {initialContractAddresses}, {initialDepositFunctionSignatures}, and {initialExecuteFunctionSignatures} must all have the same length. Also, values must be ordered in the way that that index x of any mentioned array must be intended for value x of any other array, e.g. {initialContractAddresses}[0] is the intended address for {initialDepositFunctionSignatures}[0].
getDepositRecord(uint64 depositNonce, uint8 destId) → struct GenericHandler.DepositRecord (external)
Parameters:- depositNonce: This ID will have been generated by the Bridge contract.
@param destId ID of chain deposit will be bridged to.
@return DepositRecord which consists of:
- _destinationChainID ChainID deposited tokens are intended to end up on. - _resourceID ResourceID used when {deposit} was executed. - _depositer Address that initially called {deposit} in the Bridge contract. - _metaData Data to be passed to method executed in corresponding {resourceID} contract.
setResource(bytes32 resourceID, address contractAddress, bytes4 depositFunctionSig, bytes4 executeFunctionSig) (external)
First verifies {_resourceIDToContractAddress}[{resourceID}] and {_contractAddressToResourceID}[{contractAddress}] are not already set, then sets {_resourceIDToContractAddress} with {contractAddress}, {_contractAddressToResourceID} with {resourceID}, {_contractAddressToDepositFunctionSignature} with {depositFunctionSig}, {_contractAddressToExecuteFunctionSignature} with {executeFunctionSig}, and {_contractWhitelist} to true for {contractAddress}. @param resourceID ResourceID to be used when making deposits. @param contractAddress Address of contract to be called when a deposit is made and a deposited is executed. @param depositFunctionSig Function signature of method to be called in {contractAddress} when a deposit is made. @param executeFunctionSig Function signature of method to be called in {contractAddress} when a deposit is executed.
deposit(bytes32 resourceID, uint8 destinationChainID, uint64 depositNonce, address depositer, bytes) (external)
A deposit is initiatied by making a deposit in the Bridge contract. @param destinationChainID Chain ID deposit is expected to be bridged to. @param depositNonce This value is generated as an ID by the Bridge contract. @param depositer Address of account making the deposit in the Bridge contract. @notice {contractAddress} is required to be whitelisted @notice If {_contractAddressToDepositFunctionSignature}[{contractAddress}] is set, {metaData} is expected to consist of needed function arguments.
executeProposal(bytes32 resourceID, bytes) (external)
Proposal execution should be initiated when a proposal is finalized in the Bridge contract. @notice {contractAddress} is required to be whitelisted @notice If {_contractAddressToExecuteFunctionSignature}[{contractAddress}] is set, {metaData} is expected to consist of needed function arguments.
_setResource(bytes32 resourceID, address contractAddress, bytes4 depositFunctionSig, bytes4 executeFunctionSig) (internal)